Waiting For Dad
T’was a day of chance and circumstance
that I miss-stepped my bounds
Not a felony really
but my Mother’s ire resounds
“Wait till your Father gets home!”
those ominous words I heard
Not quite a “gallows-cry” you see
but one which frays young nerves
The memory of past miss-deeds
punctuated Mom’s refrain
And set my hide a tingling
as I awaited corporal pain
It couldn’t have been too serious
and seldom a repeat offense
You “wait for your Father...” enough times
you eventually learn some sense
It wasn’t so much the spanking
Dad’s were measured and deserved
That dreading fearful waiting
should have counted as “time served”
And Good Old Dad was punctual
no doubts or shades of grey
A digression in early morning
meant a VERY long waiting day
But waiting served me two-fold
as these memories I embrace
ONE – to see my error of my ways
and TWO – to prepare my case
If a tanning was necessitated
by my oft-reluctant Judge
it was tempered with hugs thereafter
cause he never held a grudge
My goodly share of justice,
the odd merciful reprieve,
and the accompanying lessons
made me a better man I believe
I pity the Fatherless families
Sail-less ships upon the sea
no waiting for God’s Light to come home
no “Hey Dad, look at me!”
My heart goes out to children
Soldier/Fathers far away
waiting for their brave strong Dads
to come on home to stay
I pray for Fathers absent
that they return from whence they roam
God comfort the child who longs to hear
“Wait till your Father gets home.”
There are consequences in life
This is one thing I do understand
You won’t learn about them in books
as from a Father’s firm loving hands
Cherish your Father dearly my friend
even now that you’re too old to flay
make every moment special
like you’ve been waiting for him all the day
Thanks Pop!
Happy Father's Day to Good Father's, everywhere :)
love tImMy:/