Morning Friend,
I hope the enjoyment of your Canada Day weekend included a moment or two of reflection and gratitude.
The Old Gal turned 143 last Thursday and by all the reckoning and comparisons that I can make, she remains unquestionably the very best country in the world in which to live.
One need only look at alternative places – drought-ridden, war-torn, disaster-ravaged Hells-on-earth – that other folks call home and the superlatives relating to Canada are pretty well amongst facts of life on this planet.
I asked several people in recent days to pick a country they would rather live in, and many respondents seemed pleasantly surprised when they couldn’t name one.
And that was pleasing to me because it confirmed what I suspect about a lot of folks....they don’t realize how good they have it – what a truly wonderful, prosperous and blessed country they are blessed to be a part of.
I’m always pleased to be able to help others see the Big Picture, especially when it is one so captivatingly picturesque and vividly vivacious as this vast land of endless opportunity and unequalled tranquility.
Once reminded of their oft-overlooked wealth, I don’t expect people to suddenly transform into flag-waving patriot-zealots or ambassadorial demons.
I would hope anyone with an enhanced sense of their own good fortune might exude a more refined air of humility and drape themselves in a flag of graciousness.
What!?, I ask, do you have to complain about today?
My sincerest apologies if serious health or family issues are at play in your life today my friend.
I’m speaking about the trivial, minute and inconsequential fluff that many people will actually fret and physically whine about on this most perfect summer day in this most poignantly pretty land.
Does the south African woman carrying a five gallon bucket of clean water on her head for five miles every day bitch about a two cent rise in the price of a liter of gasoline?
Is the Afghani child stepping lightly around land mines on her way to school p.o.’d because she wasn’t able to get tickets to the Miley Cyrus show?
Do we hear the Haitian man cursing the traffic on the way to work, from his home which was washed into the sea?
This is not like Christmas where I’ve suggested we try to be “nicer” all year round.
It’s about extending the spirit of Canada Day and what most of us do on that day.....chill the heck, out!
Count your blessings today and every day that you live free.
Free of pestilence, disease, vermin, snipers, bombs, tsunamis, cutthroats, horror, disaster etc.....terror tempered by constant fear.
A little perspective goes a long way.
Unless you can think of someplace better? Hey, I’ll drive you to the airport myself. ( Write when you find work eh!? )
love tImMy:/
Laugh as much as you breathe...
Love as long as you live ( White Canucklng:)