Morning Friend,
It being too hot and beautiful this morning for anything mind-sappingly deep or energetically earth-shattering, I thought I’d simply share some simple truths that I may one day expound upon but for today will simply throw out like pebbles rippling the serene surface of your Monday mind.
You don’t live to be 5 ( years sober) without picking up a nugget of knowledge, a thought worth remembering or some smarts or two along the way.
In no particular order of triviality and neither sobering nor drunk-inducing, I have come to realize the following:
- When you tell the truth, you have less to remember.
- Cheap Dollar Store batteries and lighters do not last and are virtually worthless at any price.
- Productivity in “Union shops” suffers due to a lack of incentive.
- You never truly know someone until you live with them.
- A sense of humor trumps good looks in the game of romance.
- Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought ignorant, than to speak up and remove all doubt.
- Prolonged negative emotional energy can be physiologically self-destructive.
- An hour’s cat nap can be more restful than an 8 hour toss-o-rama.
- It’s far easier to stay in shape than to get in shape.
- A sprinkle of salt with the grounds makes better tasting drip coffee.
- Cake recipes are not chemical formulas; a 1/4 teaspoon of this or that either way is unnoticeable.
- Just about every smoker wishes they weren’t.
- Most plans, promises and vows made while drunk are never kept.
- Music adds productivity to any workplace.
- If your Mother wouldn’t approve of it, it’s probably not the best idea you ever had.
- God watches over drunks and small children.
- Trust is like a credit rating; once lost, extremely difficult to regain.
- You are as young as your dreams and as old as your fears.
- The girls do not look “prettier at closing time”; the pretty ones have in fact left by then.
- Hearing and listening are two different things.
- Sliced green tomatoes fried in butter, salt and pepper until nearly black are delicious.
- Follow the “Serenity Prayer” and you will not only have more energy than you realized, you will likely live longer.
- It is better to have loved a short woman than never to have loved a tall.
- Measure thrice, cut once.
- One “look at what I am doing” is worth a thousand “look at what I’m going to do’s”.
- Violence is the last resort of the ignorant.
- Learn to play the accordion and you will never go hungry.
- True love, is bigger than a shoe.
- Good poetry doesn’t have to rhyme; Great poetry often does.
- If nothing else, sobriety is cheaper.
- You cannot over-water tomato plants in well drained pots.
- The 1,463’rd “I’m sorry” is a meaningless part of a drunk’s vocabulary.
- Kindness will slay a grump every time.
- As distasteful and/or incomprehensible the concept of God might be to some, there are those like myself who whose lives are owed to it.
- One of the greatest distinguishing features of the human brain is the ability to filter out negativity while creating an impenetrably healing aura and comforting mind-state of our own choosing...out of thin air.
- Air is free.
love tImMy:/
Laugh as much as you breathe...
Love as long as you live ( exemplarily )