Morning Friend,First and foremost today, I'd like to send out heartfelt condolences and a prayer of comfort if you are like many for whom the joy and pageantry of the Christmas Season is tempered by the illness or loss of a loved one.There are many "Christmases Past" that were NOT festive and joyous occasions, and in many instances a December tragedy may long tarnish the "Merriness" of Christmas.In my case, we lost "Grampa" who was as much a traditional fixture sitting stoically beside the tree on Christmas morning, as the Angel majestically atop it.My Dad always looked rather "stoic" himself, if not still slightly "buzzed" from his and Grampa's nocturnal Holiday imbibement. The sugarplum fairies that had danced in MY head all night appeared to have been a line of Chorus Girls in theirs?I can say that now, having done a few Christmas Eve "all-niters" myself, and taking the "edge" off with a beer before gift-opening, but at the time my innocent eyes saw with the pure empathy of a child that "Dad and Grampa had trouble sleeping with Santa on his way TOO!!!.....I guess they're having a beer to celebrate that HE CAME!?"But time passes, the family grows, and the melancholy associated with his absence is replaced by his legacy amongst my beloved Christmas memories.Funny how the mind works....I have VAGUE recollections of those first few years that he WASN'T there on Christmas morning, but can still see those twinkling slate eyes, smell his Old Spice ( tinged with whiskey and tobacco), hear his quiet laugh and feel his warm strong hugs in my earliest memories.I realize this "selectiveness of memory" is more the province of children and that "letting go" is daunting, especially at this intensely emotional time of year, but I've discovered that if you look at the MEANING behind the chaotic retail frenzy and logistical maelstrom, you will find a comforting and redemptive word in Christmas....CHRIST.That word stands for many things to many people and for some, nothing at all, but even the most die hard atheist would be hard pressed to deny that there IS something extraordinary and magical about this "season of Christ", about CHRISTmas.There is an "aura"; of friendliness, excitement and wonder...of compassion, consideration and generosity...of introspection, forgiveness and LOVE, that is "amped up" as it is at no other time of the year.It is a "sprit" that pervades unilaterally across ALL religious, political and moral factions.It is a "spirit" that can EASE the pain of a December 25th that might, for whatever reason, not be a particularly "happy" time in one's life.To those for whom this Season comes with sadness, I pray you the strength to embrace this "spirit" of SHARING... this joyous commemoration of Christ's BIRTH...this celebration of LIFE and LOVE.Not by what you receive, but by what you give.Perhaps not under the tree, but in your heart.Several years ago my Folks agreed I could have a friend from work spend Christmas with us.He was sort of a "down-but-not-outer" with no family and would otherwise have spent Christmas alone in his hotel room with some reefer and a bottle."Santa", ( Mom's "storehouse of everything known to Mankind, and some yet to be identified" ), even brought old "Bob" some presents....socks and stuff.That Christmas morning, with gleeful children frolicking at his feet, in the tears running out his blue eyes and down his scruffy smiling face, I saw my Grampa again.I couldn't even tell you what ELSE I "got" that year.God Bless us, Everyone. ( and thank you again, Mom and Dad !)MERRY CHRISTMAS FRIEND!love tImMy :/
and love as long as you live." ( Hallelujah!)
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