Morning Friend,Bitter are the tears of a child: Sweeten them.
Deep are the thoughts of a child: Quiet them.
Sharp is the grief of a child: Take it from him.
Soft is the heart of a child: Do not harden it.Pamela GlenconnerIf you've visited the "blog" site, ( which is not really a traditional "blog" per se, as it is the "Musings Repository"), you might be wondering who the outrageously cute child in the picture, "Angel Ashley" is?The extent of her beauty obviously excludes ME in her parental genetic mix, but to MEET her, is to discover a goodly inherited portion of her Uncle Tim's frenzied passion for all things "WACKY", "FUN" and "FAST" !She is my God-child and the youngest of my brother Marshall and sister-in-law Gwen's three beautiful daughters.Janelle and Angela are in school all day now, so babysitting opportunities now involve just me and the... "Little Dynamo"..."Three Foot Nuclear Reactor"...."Giggling Girl"...."Monkey Girl"....or most appropriately, "FLASH-ley" !When there are two or more of the girls to look after, they INTERACT nicely so I'm often simply supervising them at play.But when it's just me and Ash, I AM the "play", and BOY! we EVER! ( exhaustively !)And you know what my friend?I've come to believe that my little God-daughter not only "loves" and "listens to", and "trusts", and "respects" and "feels safe" with her Uncle Tim......she LIKES me!And while LOVE may bloom and die with the seasons on the vine of life, the roots of FRIENDSHIP run deep and eternally through the soil and soul of earth.And as mutually forgiving and uncompromisingly agreeable as most friends are, I never dwell on such things as her lapses in continence and she never fusses too much about the limits of both my culinary and hide-and-seeking abilities.We're just like two burrs on a donkey's tail.Ashley turned 3 on March 20th which just so happens to be the very same age as me.***I have done THE MATH and discovered that it is highly LIKELY that "the FLASH" was CONCEIVED on the very same day I was "reborn".The parallels in our three years of growth and development are remarkable, exquisite, delightful, and in some ways, miraculous.The very sight of her face lighting up when she first sees me is enough to make me weep with joy; my heart fluttering like an Angel's resolve, a Heavenly firmament.She truly IS representative of the "Angelic" beauty that adorns the wondrous and magical kingdom that my world has become.....a world where me and Ashley will always be the same age.I wrote a little something to commemorate my friend's third birthday, to celebrate my own, and to acknowledge the grace and love of the Good Lord who is of course the THIRD party...when WE were THREE
When WE were THREE... by Uncle "Teeem" were my “Angel Princess” and I, a “King”
we could make a “Royal Mess” out of just about anything!
...we had both just learned to walk upright
you had a blazing “pamper scamper” and I was strolling in new “light” liked to draw and I liked to write
while lacking in “pure” talent, we had my enthusiasm and your delight
...I was bigger than you ( a bit of a “lout”!)
but you had WAY more energy, so it all evened out
...we sure knew how to “tear”
like bikes in the house when Mom wasn’t there!
...we were as curious as kittens in clover
finding life just as wondrous starting out – as starting over
...we made quite a “fashionable” pair
scuffed knees, runny noses and flyaway “crows-nest” hair
...we sang songs with soulfulness and flair
like the “A.B.C.’s” sung by Sonny and
...the light in your eyes lit a fire in my heart
that no despair, doubt or fear, could ever put out
...I kept you safe and you made me strong
though I had trouble saying “no’ we never went wrong
...we discovered we’ll ALWAYS be that way
Ashley, Tim and Jesus...forever in love each day
Ashley/Tim ( 36/45)
Love, uNcLetImMy:)
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