Morning Friend,
Because the beauty, the bounty and for some, the beastliness of Summer is so often indescribable, I have called upon my uniquely bent perspective and constructed a crude glossary to accomplish that very thing.With August's arrival comes the MEAT of the summer season in this part of the world, so with none too great a measure of humility I present to you this morning, a "side of potatoes and gravy" as it were...ABRAHAM'S ( SUMMER ) GLOSSARY( with apologies to linguists... and the overly sensible/sensitive/sequestered)* in no particular orderBLEEN - poor vision associated with cheap sunglasses.NOSKEET - the speedy and seamless entry into a tent or cabin accompanied by the least number of insects possible.PEERCHER - an obviously badly sunburned individual who continues to frolic in the sun seemingly unaware - or drunkenly indifferent- to their burgeoning blisters and imminent agony.SKIRTION - a collision resulting from a driver's distraction by scantily clad pedestrians.REPHALATION - the return of the male anatomy to its' normal state following cold water "shrinkage".SHMEBS - the endless festoon of spiderwebs and caterpillar strings which strike one's face while walking in the woods.SHWACKS - the endless branch-slaps in the face associated with walking too closely behind someone through moderate to heavy brush.FUNGY - the way a log gets after a year or more on forest floor.ORSINATION - the ability of dogs, cats, large rodents and even tree branches rubbing together in a dark forest at night to sound exactly like hungry bears.SEROON - a pristine state of mind generated by the glassy surface of a lake on a windless day.BOTTOMOBIA - fear of impending doom while in a leaky boat during bad weather.FLEISHING - the acceptable practice of sharing untruths regarding fishing achievements.EXFINATION - the increase in size ( usually 10% per "tell") of a fish in a fish story.GOOSH - to start a campfire using gasoline, kerosene, or other highly flammable accelerants.FROZID - the unfortunate and infinitely uncomfortable combination of being cold and in wet clothing simultaneously.MOGG - irritating person ( often drunk) who incessantly and hazardly stirs and piles wood onto an already blazing campfire.MOGG-DUNKER - one who hurls a Mogg into the nearest lake after having their hair and clothes set afire by an errant ember shower.FARTILLA - the smell inside an enclosed tent or camper occupied by one or more imbibers of beans, legumes and/or several beer.EXCELLENATURAMUNDO - the sound of car doors closing at the last pit stop before heading out of town for the weekend.TOP DRAWER - expressing first class excellence such as campgrounds with hot showers and flush toilets.CARDIOPAUSE - the momentary cessation of vital signs upon jumping into cold lake water.DINKLING - the slow and often painstaking process of reaching thigh-depth into a cold lake.COALITE - one extolling the oft unrecognized dietary virtues of carbon while eating a burnt-black wiener or marshmallow.KAKITY - the smell and sound of the city after a weekend spent in the outdoors.GOSHING - the suppression of common curses and epithets following a mishap, such as losing one's camera, watch or wallet out of a boat in deep water.PALATADROME - the phenomenon of food tasting better cooked outdoors.BLUELIP - the hypothermic appearance of manic but otherwise healthy children frolicking in cold lake water.TICKORTIONISM - the self-examination of one's nether regions for wood ticks.BUNYONIA - the exhilaration associated with splitting a log with a single blow.BUNYACKING - the none-too precise process of removing an axe deeply imbedded in a large "green" log.SHEWING - eating fish ( often poorly filleted), that has bones in it.HERKEMER JERKWATER (1892-1912)- the one and only documented case of a man choking to death on a fish bone. Jerkwater, a drifter from Chicago where he was known as the "town drunk" reportedly had visited a less than reputable south side sushi bar where several witnesses described him drunkenly "inhaling" raw fish before an errant bone finally did him in.RESERTAFICATION - the renewed appreciation for one's own bed after a weekend in a tent.LURUSION - the misguided belief that the appetites of most fish species are enhanced by heavy rainfall.APPETITIOUS - the smell of bacon cooking on a open fire.FOCALBURNERS - ill fitting or ill advised styles of swimwear.SOPHIAN - the extraordinarily wonderful way your wife or girlfriend feels ( and smells) in your arms after a weekend fishing with "the boys".INCONTINENTAL - one running away from a bear.URINTITIS - the non-emergent need to pee while in a sleeping bag which can wait till morning.EUFORESTIA - the supreme sense of awe, wonder and gratefulness to God one experiences in Nature.Enjoy the rest of the summer my friend!love tImMy:/
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