Let's look at the physiology of anger. During an outburst of anger, heart rate goes up to 180 beats per minute or even higher compared to the regular heart rate averaging about 80. The blood pressure too goes up, 220 to 130 or even higher, compared to normal readings of 120 to 80. Other harmful physical and chemical changes take place. Body uses up sugar extremely fast creating a sugar deficiency. As a result an angry person shakes in anger.
In the primitive order of the animal world, anger, aggression, and assault are one and the same thing. The body just knows that it is in a "fighting" mode in which it may be injured and bleeding may occur. To safeguard itself in the case of excessive bleeding, the angry person's body releases chemicals to coagulate (clot) the blood, therefore blood clots form more quickly than usual. Now a truly dangerous situation is at hand, that is, ( 1 ) bleeding has not occurred, and (2) a clot is formed which can potentially travel to any organ of the body, including, the brain or the heart.
In a fit of uncontrollable anger, in the case of a heart patient, the heart can suddenly stop due to that clot floating up to the heart and getting lodged there. In another case, heart arteries can squeeze off hard enough to choke off the supply of oxygen to the heart which can cause severe chest pains, creating the well known condition of "angina pectoris." A stroke can also occur when a person in an uncontrollable fit of anger bursts an artery in the brain. This is how anger can hurt the subject more than it does the object of the anger".
Now you're probably wondering my friend, how on such a gorgeous Autumn day with everything coming up roses in my life, why I'd choose to address such a tempestuous topic?
Well first of all it's nice to be able to write "about" anger as opposed to "writing angrily because I'm angry".
If I had to be angry to write, than I certainly wouldn't get much writing done, if any?
Besides the market is already flush with furious editorialists and curmudgeonly commentators looking to incite and infect the masses with their virulence.
MY goals are more along the lines of "shared enlightenment"...and of course a little "fun" :)
Not that there wasn't a time when I was frustrated and bitter and mad at the world. ( 1579 days ago actually !)
In those dark days, everything and everyone was against me from the weatherman to the government.
My health was failing, everyone around me were idiots and my Spiritual light was barely flickering.
And if there's a common thread to be found amongst "angry" people, ( besides the fact they usually die early from some sort of "blown gasket"), is the fact that it's ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT!
You would think that in a world where one is completely perfect and blameless; mere PREY to the whims and folly of the imperfect world outside, that one would be better off and safer, staying at home and getting drunk? ( which is what I did actually. )
Strangely enough though, you reach a point in that so-called "safe" place and realize there's nobody around to get angry at, because you're alone.
The only one left to vent, rail and rant against is that bloodshot mess, staring forlornly at you in the mirror.
And if, at that moment you have the wherewithal to do an ACCOUNTING, you will realize all the previous anger has been sadly misplaced, misdirected, AND as it turns out, miss-USED.
The problem is NOT, the government, the weather, bad drivers, over-zealous police, your boss, your neighbor, bad luck, ill-will or misfortune!
The problem is YOU....being ANGRY instead of ACCOUNTABLE!
Getting angry changes nothing in life, ( except your cardiac function as Dr. Sharma told us ).
However, if the source of your anger is something that you can realistically change, and inducing such intensely powerful physiological symptoms already, then why not HARNESS that energy and put it behind a plow of RESOLVE?
You see just such an example of this in today's accompanying picture of good old Abraham "Harvesting Tomatoes in the Snow".
An unexpected "mini-storm" a week or so ago caught me with my harvesting "pants down" so to speak and I had obviously waited too long to pick the last of my tomatoes.
"#$&%(@)-WEATHER !!!!" , was my first instinctive thought of course, but from that angry energy I quickly decided that "all was not lost" and readied to conduct a "salvage mission" at first light.
The slightly soggy mission was a "sweet" success, owing in part to the hardiness of the Good Lord's tomatoes, and the calm resolve of his grateful friend!
And a few days later the #&*%$ weather turned nice enough to wear shorts again ( still ) !
love tImMy:/
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