Morning Friend,
With all the imagination I know you possess, please pretend these words are the hearty and warm embrace of a free and grateful man celebrating a *birthday today.
*it’s my “belly-button” , or “real” BIRTH-day as opposed to my
A.A. Birthday in June, in case you were wondering? As far as my “age” goes, the only information I’ll divulge on that front is that I’m more months sober than I am years old.
The reason for the “e-hug” is because if I have ever met you, spoken to you, or in some way ( cosmically or otherwise) interacted with you, than you have unwittingly become a driving force in my on-going quest to put my best foot forward and keep it there.
I am nothing else, if not a HUGELY gregarious alcoholic gentleman.
*from Merriam Webster
gre-gar-i-ous ( adjective) 1 a : tending to associate with others of one's kind : social b : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship
The “hugely gregarious DRUNKEN alcoholic gentleman act” was panned YOU: my acquaintances, friends and family.
An empty theater on The Grand Stage of Life echoes like an empty heart when you’re a “people person” drinking alone.
“WHY did I do it”??? the oft asked question.....
“Because as someone who is “wired” to interact with other humans; intelligently, humorously, soulfully, spiritually, playfully, creatively, intuitively, purposefully, repeatedly, compassionately, artfully, sensually, powerfully, respectfully, enthusiastically, honorably and with GREAT regularity, it HAD to be done. ....the answer.
The “act” as many will attest is as flawed as it ever was but certainly “cleaned up” at any rate, and every now and then I’ll pull off a show-stopper or garden variety crowd pleaser that’s just about worth the price of admission.
“Thank Yous” abound for this Birthday, this day, this life!
The Good Lord, my Mom and Dad, my whole family, Alcoholics Anonymous, my friends, St. Boniface Hospital......and on and on the list goes of people – and a Savior – who give me the INCENTIVE that fuels my every show!..... I mean day :)
Thank you and may God Bless you and your day friend.
Glad I could get my mitts on ya!
love tImMy:/
Laugh as much as you breathe....
Love as long as you live (motivated)
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