Morning Friend,
I am neither a historian nor a military tactician.
Most of what I comprehend about my country's role in liberating Europe, and ultimately the entire world from the Nazi menace, comes from grainy footage of the Normandy assaults in June of 1944.
I assume that landing thousands of soldiers on fortified beaches was the best tactic for the time and situation, based on the fact it was "successful".
I also assume that the incredible loss of life - especially suffered by the very first boatloads of young men leading the charge into a shooting gallery - was considered an "acceptable and necessary cost".
What I CAN'T assume, is that I might be as unimaginably brave as those young men in those extraordinary circumstances?
As one who questions EVERYTHING, I most probably would be classified "unfit" for military service in the first place....likely classified "CPB1" ( a first class pain in the butt ).
But if they were desperate to fill every seat on a landing craft, and confident that my incessant "whining" couldn't be heard over the roar of the sea and the thunder of artillery fire, then I might well have found myself bobbing sickly through the black icy chop of the English Channel, longing for the more familiar waves of Prairie Grain, the comfort of my mother's arms and the sweet laughter of my best gal.
And as the flash of machine gun fire appeared from the hills overlooking the approaching and exploding beach, my "questioning mind" would undoubtedly be in overdrive:
-I'm supposing the time for "discussion" is over?
-How long before those guys run out of bullets...or their trigger fingers cramp up?
-Is our "armada" impressive and fearsome enough that we might see the enemy run up a white flag any time soon?
-Do we have enough guys because the only "dents" we've made on the beach so far are from fallen bodies?
-What on earth have I gotten myself into here?
-Can I speak to you for a moment God?
-Am I BRAVE today?
More so than for their monumental historical significance, the chilling images of D-Day newsreels always invoke such imaginings of my own limits of endurance and courage......
Could I slog headlong into a maelstrom of sniper fire, shrapnel and spilled blood; on a "fear/adrenalin/faith in God" rush, stumbling over the bodies of fallen brothers and friends, toward my uncertain but probable death?
I honestly don't know. My courage has not been tested even remotely to that degree, nor is it likely to be so in my lifetime.
I don't know, and I don't ever want to know.
Because of those whose remarkable bravery transcended fear, whose profound faith conquered evil, whose indomitable courage overcame adversity, and whose intrepid valor won the exquisite FREEDOM that we so cherish today, I don't have to know.
Lest We Forget. ( Please support and pray for our troops who are yet in peril today )
Love tImMy :/
“Laugh as much as you breathe
and love as long as you live....*FREE"
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